How to Take a Break From Being Facebook Friends With Someone

If someone is making you nervous on Facebook, here’s how to take a break from seeing them.

quick path

  • What is the “Rest” feature on Facebook?

  • How to Take a Break from Someone on Facebook

  • How to Stop Taking a Break on Facebook

Main lesson

  • Facebook’s “Rest” feature allows you to mute updates from a friend without unfriending them.

  • You can prevent your friends’ posts from appearing on your feed while you take a break from interacting with them.

  • You can stop it by reversing the settings. This feature helps maintain connection while creating space.

Feeling overwhelmed by a friend’s constant updates? Facebook’s “Rest” feature allows you to temporarily mute their updates without cutting them off completely. Here’s what you need to know about this feature and how to use it.

What is the “Rest” feature on Facebook?

The “Take a Break” feature on Facebook is a way to create distance between you and other users. Unlike unfollowing someone, which only removes their posts from News Feed but still allows them to see your activity, “Take a break” works both ways—you’ll see less of their content more and they will see less of your content.

Once you initiate a pause, Facebook will not only limit how often their posts appear in your News Feed, but will also remove their past posts from your feed. However, you’re still friends and can see their profile or past posts by going directly to their timeline.

There are some situations where you may want to stop communicating with someone on Facebook:

  • After breaking up or falling out with a friend who is also your Facebook friend.

  • When you’re going through a difficult life event and need space for constant updates from a friend.

  • If you find yourself frequently agitated or provoked by a friend’s controversial posts or opinions.

  • When you need to create some temporary boundaries with a friend who is too oversharing or attention-seeking.

There are two important things to note about the Take a Break feature on Facebook:

  • Facebook will not notify the individual you choose to take a break.

  • There’s no limit to how long you can rest, so you’ll have to remember to manually revert changes if you change your mind in the future.

By using the “Rest” feature, you can maintain your Facebook friendships while making yourself more comfortable with their constant presence in your news feed. This can be a useful alternative to unfriending or blocking someone on Facebook.

How to Take a Break from Someone on Facebook

Once you’ve decided you’ve had enough of someone’s posts, here’s how to pause viewing them:

  1. On the Facebook app, tap your profile picture in the top left corner to open your profile page.

  2. On your profile page, scroll down and tap See All Friends to see your list of friends.

  3. On the next page, enter the name of the friend you want to put on hold in the search box.

  4. When your friend’s name appears, tap their profile page.

  5. On your friend’s profile page, click the button labeled Friends and then tap Rest.

From here on out, we’ll represent the friend you want to take a break from with the letter X. On the Take a Break page, you’ll find several options that go along with this feature.

  1. Tap the first option that says See Less of X’s Profile.

  2. Tap Limits where you can see X’s profile and click Save.

That individual’s posts (and posts they were tagged in) will no longer appear in your news feed. Additionally, Facebook will stop prompting you to message or tag them in your photos.

The next option is to limit what this friend can see on your profile. The idea here is to update your privacy settings to prevent individuals from seeing your posts. To do this:

  1. On the Breaks page, tap Limit what X’s profile will see.

  2. Tap Hide your post from X’s profile and click Save.

From then on, the user will be on the Restricted List. This means they can’t see or interact with posts you share with friends unless you tag them. However, all public posts will still be visible to individuals.

Next, go back to the Breaks page and tap the last option labeled Edit who can see past posts.

Here, you will find three options.

  1. The first option doesn’t change anything.

  2. The second option is labeled Edit individual posts—this option helps you individually edit posts you’re tagged in.

  3. The third option is labeled Edit all my posts and posts I’m tagged in. Use this option to untag yourself from any posts you share with the friend you want to pause. To do this, simply tap the option and then tap Done to save the changes.

If you’re using Facebook on the web, you can skip navigating through menus by going directly to the Facebook Take a Break page to access this feature promptly. If you want to take a more comprehensive approach to limiting interactions with friends, we’ve previously written a guide on how to limit people from contacting you on Facebook.

You don’t need to maintain close interaction with all your Facebook friends. You can keep them at a safe distance without completely eliminating them from your digital life.

How to Stop Taking a Break on Facebook

If you decide it’s time to reconnect normally with your friends, you can reverse the “Rest” action. Here’s how to stop snoozing someone on Facebook.

  1. Visit the Take a Break quick link on Facebook.

    Facebook Rest search box

  2. You will find the Take a Break search bar, enter the name of the friend you took a break from before.

  3. Click on your friend’s name.

    The name of the person you stopped resting

  4. You’ll find a menu with a list of actions you can take to stop resting.

  5. Click Edit next to each action. First, click Edit next to You chose to see less about X.

    Reverse your selection to hide a person's posts

  6. Select See X’s profile anywhere on Facebook and click Save.

    View X's profile anywhere on Facebook

  7. Click the back button in the top left corner of the Break menu and click Edit next to Limit what X’s profile will see.

  8. Select No longer limit what X can see and click Save.

    There are no more limits to what profiles can see

  9. Click the back button in the top left corner again and click Edit next to Edit who can see past posts.

  10. Select Keep all posts intact and click Save. Or Edit all my posts and posts I’m tagged in to edit posts on an individual basis.

    Keep all posts intact

Once that’s done, you’ve successfully put your relationship on hold with that friend. You should now see their updates normally.

The Facebook Break feature provides a useful middle ground between maintaining a friendship and cutting someone off completely. It allows you to create some healthy distance and boundaries without burning bridges. By taking advantage of this feature, you can create a more positive social media experience while still maintaining important connections.

Categories: Tips & Tricks

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